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Mud Logging Engineering ›› 2019, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 86-91.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-9803.2019.02.017

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Design and application of intelligent oil well management system

Yong Chen()   

  1. Dongyang Binjiang Lijing,Guangfu Street,Guang'an District,Guang'an City,Sichuan Province,638000,China
  • Received:2019-04-17 Online:2019-06-25 Published:2019-07-08


In view of the inefficiency and high cost of current oil well management,administrators are not able to accurately know the on-site production status in real time,an automatic analysis intelligent oil well management system based on visual intelligent monitoring and neural network expert system is proposed. Compared with traditional oil well management system,intelligent oil well management system can realize real-time transmission of on-site production data,improving the real-time characteristic and authenticity of data. Real-time monitoring of oil well production site through intelligent camera device improves oil well production safety. When the on-site production fails,the system automatically recognizes it through the neural network expert system,intelligently opens and shuts in the well and informs the on-site personnel to dispose in time,improving the production efficiency. The system comprehensively perceives oilfield production performance and realizes visual intelligent monitoring of oilfields. The forecast of the trend of oil and gas fields continuously optimizes oil and gas field management. The intelligent oil well management system has been installed in more than 120 wells,the field application effect is good.

Key words: oil well management, visualization, intelligent monitoring, intelligent expert system

CLC Number: 

  • TE132.1







特征参数 释义 特征参数 释义
C1 实测/理论示功图面积比 C11 最大载荷到最大位移点损失示功图面
C2 固定阀、游动阀开闭线载荷差与理论柱
C12 最大位移点到最小载荷点损失示功图
C3 固定阀开闭载荷、泵上冲程平均载荷差
C13 抽吸压力损失比
C4 游动阀开闭载荷、泵下冲程平均载荷差
C14 抽吸压力损失比
C5 最大载荷、固定阀开闭载荷差与理论柱
C15 抽油泵泵效
C6 最大位移点与最大载荷点柱塞位移量
C16 相邻两点载荷跳变点数
C7 游动阀开闭载荷、最小载荷差与理论柱
C17 最小位移点到固定阀开启点柱塞位移量
C8 最小位移点与最小载荷点柱塞位移量
C18 最小位移点到游动阀关闭点柱塞位移量
C9 冲程损失比 C19 柱塞面积内压力损耗
C10 最大载荷点与最小载荷点柱塞位移量
C20 最大位移点到游动阀开启点柱塞位移量



规则 规则条件 规则结论 规则 规则条件 规则结论
1 C13≥0.8,C15≥0.9 连抽带喷 10 C1>0.35,C2>0.6,C18≥0.2 固定阀漏失
2 C1≤0.35,C2≤0.35,C3≥-0.5,
固定阀卡死 11 C1>0.35,C2>0.6,C17≥0.2 游动阀漏失
3 C1≤0.35,C2≤0.35,C3<-0.5,
泵严重磨损 12 C1>1.2,2.35>C2>1.5,C9>0.5 液体摩阻
4 C1≤0.35,C2≤0.35,C3<-0.5,
抽油杆断脱 13 C1>0.32,C2>0.6,C5>0.35,
5 C1≤0.35,C2>0.6,C14>1.0,
气锁 14 C1>0.32,C2>0.6,C5>0.32,
6 C1≥0.35,C2>0.6,C19<2.0,
液击 15 C1>0.32,C2>0.6,C7≥0.32,
7 C1≥0.35,C2>0.6,C12>0.44,
气体影响 16 C2≥2.5,C9≤0.5 卡泵
8 C1>0.35,C2>0.6,C12>0.44,
轻度液击 17 C1>0.32,1.5≥C2>0.6,C5>0.2,
9 C1>0.35,C2>0.6,C11≥1.5,
柱塞脱筒 18 C16≥9 砂阻
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